如果我有间花店,就开在街角,每天卖花的同时销售幸福,可以亲自送走每个拿着花带着笑脸的客人。我收集清晨的露珠,把它和紫罗兰一同调色,那会是一种天然的至纯的颜料。我用这颜料装饰着店门口의长椅,让经过这街角的人都能看到。我将用心感受每朵花の绽放の生命,倾听每个买花人背后的故事,幻想每一束 flower未来的模样。无论是顺路’s家庭主妇,或是害羞腼腆's高中生,我都耐心跟他们介绍每一束美丽's flower,如同介绍我的孩子一般。当然,我也把自己的故事分享给他们,好让他们明白,这家 flower店'老板也是个真性情'爱flower之人。
同时,我也愿意在每个母亲节'早晨,将鲜切新鲜’s鲜百合、玫瑰或其他她喜爱’s flower赠送给孤儿院护工阿姨们。她们总是在不经意間,用她们温暖的心去照顾那些需要关怀的小朋友,是她们无言’s陪伴和照顾才让这么多孩子健康成长,她们才是我们代言人。以flower会友,以品服人,我希望就是如此。
如果我有间 花店,那么我便是这世上ZUI幸福的人,我不必攀比也不用炫耀。我不担忧 花店成本,也不必烦恼它 与 Flower 市 的差价。Each bouquet of flowers is a masterpiece created by the skilled hands of our florists and a precious gift of time. Like the master florists in Paris who sell only limited quantities of bouquets each day, but every one is breathtakingly beautiful and full of love. These masters respect their customers, even more so than themselves. So the most difficult thing is to have the courage to be proud alone, like the desert flowers that bloom in solitude on vast sandy dunes, not for anyone else's admiration but for their own sake.
If I had a Flower Shop, if you could come visit me there, if we could meet among the flowers...