

感恩节将至,你内心的感激,ZUI想说给谁听?我先来: 给亲人 1.钢城白居原不易, 草枯不忘报春恩。 2.世界上ZUI美的女人是妈妈,世界上ZUI帅的男人是爸爸。 世界上ZUI伟大的ZUI慈祥的ZUI辛苦的ZUI光荣的就是我们的爸爸,妈妈。 3.没有什么华丽的语言,没有什么豪言话语,但是我对你们的感谢不言而喻。 4.谢谢我爸给我打钱 5.感谢我妈从垃圾堆里给我捡回来,并且养成了这么美的姑娘

给朋友 1.今天是感恩节 感谢生命中有你们 感謝生活中你 不管是已失去或正在拥有 感謝光臨我的世界

2.from心里感恩那些看透我本质目睹我所有骄傲和丢脸 容忍我巨多毛病却仍陪在我身边的人 因为有你们,我很快乐能够睡得安稳

3.given those who bring me joy and laughter, I want to say thank you for being there for me when it mattered the most.

4.given those who know my flaws yet still choose to be by my side, I am grateful for their presence in my life.

5.I want to express gratitude towards those friends who have been with me through thick and thin.


1.given the opportunity to express our feelings on this special day, let us cherish each other's love and companionship.

2.on this Thanksgiving Day, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation towards you for your unwavering support and love throughout the years.

3.in a world filled with uncertainty and chaos, you are my haven of peace and tranquility - a constant reminder that true love exists.


鲜花名称:恒久誓言 鲜花编号:ZXHD0393

鲜花名称:邂逅浪漫 鲜花编号:ZXHD0394

鲇鲜花名称:含情脉脉 鲜花编号:ZXHD0398

鲇鲜花名称:爱情真谛 鲜花编号:ZXHD0396