






城市的温度与底蕴,源于人的聚居与生活。城市源起之处,往往生活之气愈浓,文化底蕴愈厚。然而矛盾之处在于,积聚愈深的生活之气含带着千百年前城市的繁荣之气,也含带着现今城市发展对旧事物的摒弃与鄙夷。现代化的城市耀眼灿烂,但在其背后却存在着这样的空间——它微不足道,隐匿于高楼之间,被世人所忽视。桥下、角落、小巷、旧工厂等等,这样的空间被定义为边缘空间,亦或是“微”空间。我们希望能够通过我们的设计让人们了解认识到周边存在着的微空间,并能够重视对它的利用和改造,毕竟,即便微小,它依然有着不卑微的尊严。The city s temperature and heritage, come from the people s living and living. Since the city at the source, often more concentrated gas of life, culture thicker.However, the contradiction lies in the accumulation of the deeper life of the gas with thousands of years ago with the prosperity of the city, but also with the current development of the city on the old things to abandon and contempt.Modern city dazzling bright, but behind it there is such a space - it is insignificant, hidden in the tall buildings, was ignored by the world. Bridge, corner, alley, old factory, etc., this space is defined as the edge of space, or micro space. We hope that through our design so that people understand the existence of the surrounding micro-space, and can pay attention to its use and transformation, after all, even small, it still has a humble dignity.作品《微·筑—城市微空间主题馆概念设计》由刘蔚、王宇涵、吴伊娜共同完成一等奖


指导教师:周维娜这组《微·筑》在选题方面就非常有特点,很新颖,符合现在最为关心的城市发展问题,他们能关注到人们很难发现的边缘性空间,这是非常值得认可的。对于设计方面,他们提炼出空间特点,并将其转换为具体形态,可以说明设计能力很强,一定可以发展更好。This group of micro-building in the topic is very characteristic, very novel, in line with now the most concerned about the development of the city, they can focus on people find it difficult to find the edge of space, which is very worthy of recognition. For the design, they extract the space characteristics, and convert it into a specific form, can explain the design ability is very strong, we can develop better.

吴伊娜,2017年 / 西安美术学院 / 设计系