用玉石雕琢而成的“荣誉证书”对于大多数人来说,可能都是新鲜事物。这件作品就是一系列用玉石雕琢而成的荣誉证书。玉作为一种寄托华夏名族情感与精神的材料,本身便具有一种高贵的气质,经过物质世界的包装,往往又使其产生了高昂的经济价值。用玉雕刻的荣誉证书更加凸显了“荣誉”的珍贵。然而玉这种材料使用在荣誉证书之上,似乎又显得有些“过分”,但在当代艺术的语境中,这种“过分”又可以解读成一种“调侃”。加之作者还利用了非常写实的雕塑手法,在这些玉雕的荣誉证书中塑造了一些裸露的“红肉”,让人无法回避地去思考荣誉的背后那些付出。To the majority of people, making Honor Certificates with Jade engenders a great sense of freshness. And that is what I am creating in my final exhibition, a series of Jade Carving Honor Certificates. The reason why I choose Jade as the material is because despite the fact that Jade has a special significance in China which generates unpredictable economic effects, it owns an unique sense of elegance and is considered a sustenance of Chinese nation. By using Jade Carving to redo the Honor Certificates, it demonstrates the preciousness of the Certificates, although it seems a little bit overdone with this material, but this kind of overdone can also be read as a sense of ridicule. More importantly, in order to bring people up against the enormous efforts behind Certificates, I use the form of realism as well as add some remodel “fresh meat” into this work.
导师评语: 陈建光的毕业作品就是一系列用玉石雕琢而成的荣誉证书。玉作为一种寄托华夏名族情感与精神的材料,本身便具有一种高贵的气质,经过物质世界的包装,往往又使其产生了高昂的经济价值。用玉雕刻的荣誉证书更加凸显了“荣誉”的珍贵。然而玉这种材料使用在荣誉证书之上,似乎又显得有些“过分”,但在当代艺术的语境中,这种“过分”又可以解读成一种“调侃”。加之作者还利用了非常写实的雕塑手法,在这些玉雕的荣誉证书中塑造了一些裸露的“红肉”,让人无法回避地去思考荣誉的背后那些被光芒所掩盖的部分是怎样的,从工艺与当代艺术创作这两个方面来说,都是一次十分有意义的尝试。Tutor’s Evaluation, Jianguang Chen’s graduation work is a series of Jade Carving Honor Certificate.The reason why he choose Jade as the material is because despite the fact that Jade has a special significance in China which generates unpredictable economic effects, it owns an unique sense of elegance and is considered a sustenance of Chinese nation. By using Jade Carving to redo the Honor Certificates, it demonstrates the preciousness of the Certificates, although it seems a little bit overdone with this material, but this kind of overdone can also be read as a sense of ridicule. More importantly, in order to bring people up against the enormous efforts behind Certificates, he use the form of realism as w
陈建光,2017年 / 广州美术学院 / 雕塑系