这次创作通过描绘人们在“天台”的闲暇时光。表达出对生活的热情。生活节奏越来越快,越来越膨胀。大部分人就像气球被吹到半空中失去了方向,不想就地爆炸的时候,不如停下来,发发呆。我们生而具有感受美的能力,却在生活中不断被磨灭,变得视而不见,麻木不堪,失去了对生活的热情。人生而追求快乐,不要在追求快乐的途中忘记了生活的本质。多看些无聊的东西,多做些无用的事情。无用之用,方是大用。 This artistic creation expresses the desire of life through the description of peoples leisure time on the roof.With the fasten of life pace, the desire grows together. Most people lost their ways , just like balloons flying in the sky. We are born with the sense of beauty, but it fades away in our daily life. We lose our passion to life and miss the beauty in life. People live for fun, but sometimes forget the truth of life when perusing happiness. Look for boring things and do some useless things. Useless is useful.
导师评语: 每个人都有着自己童年的经历、趣事、或者遇到印象深刻的事或物,伴随着人的成长,有些事挥之不去,而那些美好的记忆会成为个人创作的源泉,陈泽敏同学的《得闲饮茶》正是把曾经的往事经历变成一幅美丽的画面。看似最简单不过的旧城区阳台经过她巧妙的“布局”,反复的构思调整,以叠加的方式展现了各种各样的阳台态势,而那些在阳台上玩耍的人们有的在戏耍,有的在观赏,有的在做运动,有的在看书,等等,在阳台上的人物太有意思了。画者把阳台变成了可爱的乐园。我们从画中感受到陈泽敏对生活的乐观态度,也感受到她那幽默风趣的表达方式,通过画面,也勾起我们对自己曾经的熟悉阳台的许多话题,被她的画面所带动自己的情绪,如同她画中的风筝,放飞自己的许许多多的想象…… Every individual has his/her unique and impressive childhood experience on people and things. These interesting experiences will always be memorised and become a source of creation. ‘Paradises in balconies’ created by Zemin Chen is an artwork based on her unique childhood experience. The way she structured the balconies of the old town has depicted different kinds of life of the old town residents. People on the balconies has had their time through getting together, enjoying the scenery, relaxing, exercising and reading. Zemin has turned the balconies into earthly paradises. From this piece of work, we can sense Zemin’s positive and optimistic attitude towa
陈泽敏,2017年 / 广州美术学院 / 美术教育学院