金的发现坎迪多波尔蒂纳里(Candido Portinari)高清作品欣赏
坎迪多·波尔蒂纳里(Candido Portinari)高清作品《金的发现》
Title:Discovery of Gold
artist:Candido Portinari
Style:Muralism,Social Realism
Genre:history painting
In Discovery of Gold Portinari broke both with the Ministry frescoes and the Worlds Fair decorations. He abandoned the first idea of many boats floating on a winding river to concentrate on a single boat with a single group of figures. As in the first Hispanic Room mural, he moved from a distant general view to a specific close-up incident. In both paintings there is violent excitement; both represent the tenseness of the moment of discovery; both are exultant. But here the painter introduces a more frenzied pattern through the symbol of the workers hand, raised, gesticulating, grasping, pressing. Impressionistic in color in the sudden brilliant strokes of unrelated colors on the skiff, in the hair of the miners, in the glint of gold and the tiny gleaming fish, this painting marks the farthest evolution of the painters mural style toward the dissolution of form and color and derives from a series of experimental oils centering around the theme of a shipwreck, which Portinari made in the summer of 1941.